ADHD Bundle includes Homestudy access to: Evaluating ADHD in Children and Adolescents (3.0 CE/CEUs | 95.00 USD) The Six Step ADHD Treatment Approach for Children and Adolescents (3.0 CE/CEUs | 70.00 USD) Coexisting Conditions in Children and Teens with ADHD (including Conditions that Can Cause ADHD-Like Presentations) (3.0 CE/CEUs | 49.00 USD) Save $29 by bundling these programs together!
Presented by Gene Carroccia, Psy.D. This program was recorded on Friday, January 20, 2023 Access provided upon registration on “My Courses” page ADHD is a foundational disorder that frequently occurs with coexisting conditions. There are a number of sleep, neurodevelopmental, sensory processing, fetal substance exposure, psychological, trauma, substance use conditions which can frequently occur with and worsen ADHD, or cause ADHD-like symptoms…
Presented by Gene Carroccia, Psy.D. This program was recorded on Friday, August 26, 2022 Access provided upon registration on "My Courses” page Utilizing a long-term and evidence-based treatment approach for children and adolescent is essential for effective management of ADHD. This includes accurate diagnostic efforts to help identify a range of coexisting conditions that may accompany ADHD, as well as addressing…