The Chicago School is the expert in mental health training and education, offering high-quality professional training programs for individuals and organizations since 1979.

Whether you’re looking for solutions for customized training programs or expert assistance in identifying training needs, the Office of Continuing Education at The Chicago School can help in your organization meeting its professional development and continuing education goals. 

The Office of Continuing Education at The Chicago School has a vast network of field experts, psychologists, counselors, social workers, and leadership professionals to meet your organization’s needs.

Our Services

From start to finish, our customized organizational/group consulting and training programs have you covered. Our team takes the work of developing high-quality training for your organization off your plate and provides for program, clinic, and organization growth. 

Our team will meet with representatives from your organization to determine you learning needs and create a feasible learning program customized for your group. Our expert team will develop tailor-made programs based upon your organizations specific objectives resulting in reaching your targeted goals. 

How It Works

Continuing Education Information

The Office of Continuing Education at The Chicago School is an approved sponsor offering continuing education certificates for Psychologists (APA), Counselors and Social Workers (CA BBS and IL IDFPR), School Psychologists (IBSE and NASP),  Human Resource Professionals (SHRM), Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BACB), and Sex Therapists, Counselors, and Educators (AASECT). 

All of our training programs come backed with continuing education approval. Some programs are eligible for Digital Badge Credentials.

Past group topics have included: Vicarious Trauma | Body Image and Therapy | Incorporating Assessment Tools | Motivational Interviewing | Working with Older Adults / Teens | Behavioral Management of Chronic Pain | DBT Lite | Understanding & Working with Grief | Cultural Considerations | Topics in ADHD & Neurodiversity | Managing Therapy Resistance and Stagnation

Learn More

Ready to learn more about our customized training programs? Email: [email protected] or fill out the form below to speak to a representative from our office.