Join the Office of Continuing Education at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology for our first CE Bonanza!
Earn up to 30 continuing education hours plus enjoy access to additional studnet led courses and networking opportunities.
Already registered? Click here to login to your account and view your registraion
Ticket Information
General Admission- Full Conference: $200.00
This ticket type provides full access to all sessions in the conference. That is up to 30 Continuing education hours plus free networking and learning events!
Single Session-: $15.00 per CE hour
Don’t want to commit to the full conference? Choose which programs you would like to attend.
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Faculty, Staff and Students-
This program is free to current TCSPP faculty, staff, and students. Participants must register with thier TCSPP email address to access this type of ticket.
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Alumni, Site-Supervisors and Community Partners-
TCSPP Alumni, and Site-Supervisors enjoy 20% off general admission and indvidual session tickets.
TCS Affiliate Faculty and Staff
TCS employees and affliates enjoy 20% off general admission and indvidual session tickets when they register with their TCS, Saybrook, Pacific Oaks, Colleges of Law or KHSC issued email address
Non-TCSPP Students
Students who currently attend a program outside of TCSPP enjoy 50% off general admission and single event programs when they register with their current student email address.
Groups of 5 or more
Groups of 5 more participants who register together enjoy 10% general conference admission. Please contact us at [email protected] for more information.
Refund policy
Refund Policy:100% of tuition is refundable up to 48 hours before the start of the conference.
Within 48 hours of the conference start, tuition is nonrefundable.
CE Information
All sessions, unless noted otherwise, offer CEs for Psychologists, BBS California CEUs for MFTs, LPCCs, and LCSWs, and Illinois State CEUs for Social Workers and Counselors.
Some sessions offer additional CE/CEU opportunitites. Please see each session for more details.
Recording: Unless otherwise stated for an individual event, access to recordings will be available for review within one week of the end of the conference. Recordings can only be accessed by those who register to attend the live session. Access to recordings closes on December 30th, 2021.
The type of CE/CEU I need is not listed on the course I want to take, what do I do?
Many licensing agencies will accept out of state, or APA CE certificates towards continuing education credits. Some states place limits on how many credits can be earned via online trainings. Please check with your specific licensing board to determine the acceptability of the credits being offered
Will sessions be recorded?
Recording: Unless otherwise stated for an individual event, access to recordings will be available for review within one week of the end of the conference. Recordings can only be accessed by those who register to attend the live session. Access to recordings closes on December 30th, 2021.
I registered to attend this conference, how do I access the sessions?
All sessions take place via zoom, and each session has its own, unique link. For those registered to attend the full conference you can find these links in several places:
- For those registered for the full conference click here. You may be promted to log in.
- For those registered for indiviudal sessions: When logged into this site, under the home menu, select my account. Select my courses. Select the session you are ready to attend. The zoom link will be available at the top of the page.