Developed by TCS Education System, GLOBE Talks is a dynamic exploration into topics focused on learning and radical cooperation within a global community context. Anchored on internationally celebrated themes — including humanitarianism, social justice, innovation, creativity, and global mental health and wellness — GLOBE Talks brings together TCS Education System’s collective community of change agents.
To learn more about TCS Global engagement, visit their website.
GLOBE Talks Courses Available for Homestudy
Strategies for Self Care and Mental Health- Managing Care for Others
This presentation will provide a brief context to the importance of self-care and optimal mental health given times of crisis and when managing care for others and loved ones. Considerations will be discussed in addressing self-care and mental health with the focus on the consequences and impact on overall well-being. Participants will gain additional strategies in order to increase capacity for coping with stress while managing their caregiving role. They will consider the context of addressing self-care and mental health under stressful circumstances with particular emphasis on consequences and impact on overall well-being.