The Kelson Institute was established in order to provide a flexible format for continuing education courses on topics related to diversity, inclusion, and social justice. We recognize that many professionals work within diverse communities and need specialized training in order to understand the relevant issues faced by their students and clients. This focus on the experiences of communities of marginalized, underrepresented and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color allows us to provide unique and specialized training courses in order to promote successful engagement across a variety of professional and educational practices.
Our goals are to help professionals and educators: 1) Deepen and expand their global and sociocultural lens, 2) Promote diversity inclusion and social justice, 3) Increase knowledge to work more effectively with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) as well as individuals from other marginalized and underrepresented communities, and 4) Deconstruct Eurocentric frameworks and promote antiracist pedagogy and professional practice.
To learn more about the Kelson Institute, click here to visit their website.
The Kelson Institute Courses Available for Homestudy
Basics of Cross Cultural Communication
The purpose of this course is to introduce and/or reintroduce, strengthen and build upon basic skills necessary for everyday life. Because of social media and virtual relationships, communication has struggled. Racial injustice and an overall lack of respect for diversity is again rampant in our society. This is not a new barrier to peace, but it is a recurring hinderance to community. We are now living on edge as a culture because communication and social interactions are in turmoil. Cultural competence will not be achieved if the basic skill of appropriate and effective communication is not mastered.
As individuals, we are most certainly responsible for our own actions, but we are to remain sensitive to the needs of others. The community does not thrive if we think only as individuals. Ignoring the thoughts, feelings, needs and desires of others promotes selfishness, not community. The course seeks to rebuild strong communities by teaching strong communication and social skills.
Cultivating Empathy and Cultural Humility Across Cultures
Cultural humility is an approach to intercultural understanding that is different from cultural competency. Cultural humility incorporates an understanding that one’s cultural learning is never complete but rather a lifelong practice of gathering knowledge about differences, as well as continuing to critically reflect upon one’s own values and beliefs.
In this course, participants will come to an understanding about the general concept of cultural humility, framing it as a lifelong practice. Adding to its lifelong approach, participants will also see it as a life wide practice. Life wide learning means that learning is not kept separate in one area, rather it has an impact in many areas of one’s personal and professional lives. This training asserts that cultural humility is both a lifelong and a life-wide practice.
Understanding Racial Trauma and Race-based Stress
This training session gives an introduction to the concept of racial trauma among communities of color. People of color experience ongoing acts of prejudice as well as systemic inequities based upon race and discrimination. Through this training, participants will learn about what the latest scholars and researchers have to say about racism and the subsequent racial trauma that impacts overall mental health and wellbeing for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) persons living in the US.
The training is self paced. Participants will be provided with a reading list and will review pre-recorded videos from the presenters. Additionally, participants will be required to engage in applied learning activities. Completion of the training will provide participants will valuable knowledge for working with communities of color.
Applying the Wellness Trinity in Communities of Color
The Wellness Trinity discussed in this course refers to the balance of the mind, body and spirit and how to maintain it when societal norms are not your reality. Because of the current climate of racial tensions around equity, equality, and injustices as it pertains to people of color living in America, there is a need for mental health professionals to become more culturally aware. This course is designed to highlight covert struggles that may be overlooked or underrealized in communities of color.
Take a look at life balance from a perspective other than your own because what you view as “normal” may not be to your clients or counterparts. You may not achieve cultural competency, but you can express cultural humility when you acknowledge the differences. Although there have been advances, mental health, physical health and religion continue to present as barriers to balance in communities of color. Understand these issues and close the gap in the disparity.