Stress and Anxiety in Children Differ Yet Have Similar Impacts. How Can Self-Hypnosis Training Help?

Presented by Lisa Lombard, PhD

Recorded on Friday, May 10th, 2024

Access provided upon registration on “My Courses” page

Descriptions and definitions of stress and anxiety in children will be presented, with particular emphasis on their increasing prevalence. These two problem areas greatly impact children’s biopsychosocial health. Common stress-related and anxiety-based problems will be discussed. Unfortunately, the availability of clinical treatments is limited for this population and many families encounter long wait lists. Therapeutic pediatric hypnosis is an evidence-based and clinically effective therapeutic tool for stress management and coping with anxiety. A brief review of its efficacy for select conditions will be provided.

This webinar will focus on self-hypnosis training for children, a component of therapeutic pediatric hypnosis. It supports desired behavioral changes and encourages ongoing wellness. Self-hypnosis training can be a useful stand-alone intervention, too, as a component of psychological first aid and a lifelong preventative skill. This is evidenced by the efforts of Health Frontiers and Comfort Kits for Children. Some of the phenomenological elements of self-hypnosis will be identified and practical tips to introduce and encourage self-hypnosis to children will be described. An excerpt of a self-hypnosis training audio recording for a child will be played. Free resources that have been created and assembled by faculty affiliated with the National Pediatric Hypnosis Training Institute will be referenced.

This program, when attended in its entirety, offers 1.5 CEs for Psychologists, 1.5 IL CEUS for Counselors and Social Workers, or 1.5 BBS California CEUs for LPCCs, LPSW, and LMFTs.