Autism and Sexuality

Presented by Kate McNulty, LCSW

Recorded on Friday, July 26th, 2024

Access provided upon registration on “My Courses page

Autism is a neurodevelopmental diagnosis associated with differences in communication, cognition, and social behavior. All of these dimensions influence the experience of one’s sexuality. Autism is highly heterogeneous and the full continuum of human sexual and gender expression are seen in this population.

Participants will learn techniques to address common concerns related to sex and intimacy that autistic adults bring to therapy, with modifications and approaches that are customized to autistic needs. We will discuss methods to assess comfort with discussing sexual topics; managing sensory sensitivities; negotiating frequency and types of sexual activity with partners; and supporting clients as they explore and develop sexual confidence.

This program, when attended in its entirety, offers 2.0 CEs for Psychologists, 2.0 IL CEUS for Counselors and Social Workers, 2.0 BBS California CEUs for LPCCs, LPSWs, and LMFTs, or 2.0 AASECT CEs for Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists.