Re-thinking Depression: Insights Emerging from Hard Times


Presented by Michael Yapko, Ph.D.

 Recorded on Friday, March 8th, 2024

Access provided upon registration on “My Courses” page

Given the sharp rise in the rates of depression in the wake of the COVID pandemic and what it has taught us about vulnerabilities to depression, as well as recent landmark research undermining the most common view of depression as the result of a neurochemical imbalance, the need to think clearly about depression and its treatment has never been more apparent. How therapists think about the nature of depression and answer fundamental questions – such as what causes depression – naturally determine what treatment approach they are most likely to take. Likewise, how therapists think about the nature of hypnosis and its potential merits in treatment will shape their use of hypnotically based approaches. As we will discuss and demonstrate, there are some very compelling reasons to want to include hypnosis in the treatment of depressed individuals, couples, and families. There are things that no amount of medication can possibly address, hence the emphasis here on skills, not pills.

The webinar will place an emphasis on applying hypnosis strategically. There will be didactic presentation, a video demonstration featuring hypnosis with a depressed woman and follow-up information, and the opportunity for discussion as well as Q&A.

Access provided upon registration on “My Courses” page

This program, when attended in its entirety, offers 1.5 CEs for Psychologists, 1.5 IL CEUS for Counselors and Social Workers, or 1.5 BBS California CEUs for LPCCs, LPSW, and LMFTs

Click here to learn more about this course.


Presented by Michael Yapko, Ph.D.

 Recorded on Friday, March 8th, 2024

Access provided upon registration on “My Courses” page

Given the sharp rise in the rates of depression in the wake of the COVID pandemic and what it has taught us about vulnerabilities to depression, as well as recent landmark research undermining the most common view of depression as the result of a neurochemical imbalance, the need to think clearly about depression and its treatment has never been more apparent. How therapists think about the nature of depression and answer fundamental questions – such as what causes depression – naturally determine what treatment approach they are most likely to take. Likewise, how therapists think about the nature of hypnosis and its potential merits in treatment will shape their use of hypnotically based approaches. As we will discuss and demonstrate, there are some very compelling reasons to want to include hypnosis in the treatment of depressed individuals, couples, and families. There are things that no amount of medication can possibly address, hence the emphasis here on skills, not pills.

The webinar will place an emphasis on applying hypnosis strategically. There will be didactic presentation, a video demonstration featuring hypnosis with a depressed woman and follow-up information, and the opportunity for discussion as well as Q&A.

Access provided upon registration on “My Courses” page

This program, when attended in its entirety, offers 1.5 CEs for Psychologists, 1.5 IL CEUS for Counselors and Social Workers, or 1.5 BBS California CEUs for LPCCs, LPSW, and LMFTs

Click here to learn more about this course.