Prescriptive Authority Around the Globe

Panelists include Beth Rom-Rymer, Joachim Mureriwa, Diana Velikonja, Thabiso Rapapali, Oraib (Bibi) Toukhly,

Djavila Ho, Anna Wegierek, Thaiane Alburquerque, Monika Kos y Gonzales, Kai Morgan Campbell, and Judi Steinman

Recorded on Thursday, March 14th, 2024

Access provided upon registration on “My Courses page 

Inspired by the pioneering Prescriptive Authority Movements in the United States, with the goal of increasing access to the highest quality mental healthcare among the most vulnerable populations, international psychologist leaders are innovating healthcare. They are organizing psychologists in their communities to create opportunities to pass legislation that would give appropriately trained psychologists the authority to prescribe medications. Each country has its unique challenges but there are common themes: a medical establishment that wants to protect its turf; political leaders who are resistant to change and who still believe that the MD is the only healthcare provider who can responsibly prescribe; and psychologists who are reluctant to advocate for a broader role in mental health care.

Our erudite psychologist leaders from Brazil, Canada, Jamaica, Jordan, Poland, South Africa, and the United States are going to be discussing the Prescriptive Authority Movements in their countries; the education programs that they have developed to train prescribing psychologists; and how they have overcome obstacles and won victories to provide quality mental healthcare for their most vulnerable populations.

When attended in full, this program offers 1.5 APA CEs for Psychologists.