Iowa RxP: Struggles and Successes

Presented by Elizabeth Lonning, PsyD, MSCP

Recorded on Friday, March 15th, 2024

Access provided upon registration on “My Courses” page

This presentation will cover the legislative process in Iowa including how we determined the need across the state and the interest among psychologists. It will discuss the contacts and connections created across the state as well as some alliances made along with some surprises. Participants will learn about how we acquired the sponsors for our effort and how their support was obtained. Responses to the tactics of the opposition during the legislative process will be covered.

Participants will hear about some strategies that proved effective and some that would not necessarily be done again. In addition, those attending will learn about recommendations for states to consider when thinking about introducing RxP in their state. Recent changes improving the original legislation will be covered including how this process was somewhat different from the first time. Finally, work left to do will wrap up the presentation.

When attended in full, this program offers 1.0 APA CEs for Psychologists.