DSM-5-TR: Ethics

Presented by Rebecca Smith-Casey, Psy.D, JD. 

Recorded on Wednesday, April 24, 2025

Access provided upon registration on “My Courses page 

The DSM5TR serves as the federal government’s official manual for the diagnosing of mental disorders. The literature presented with the text provides practicing clinicians with research, current codes, and criteria for diagnosing mental disorders and other conditions. This program will provide a review of the chapters, cover changes from the DSM to the DSM-TR, and offer a refresher for the practicing clinician. 

This DSM-5-TR: Ethics training will examine the ethical standards and considerations within the DSM 5-TR.  Participants will discuss the importance of ethics in the diagnostic process as well as learn to utilize practical tools and strategies when making ethical decisions in assessment.

Access provided upon registration on “My Courses page 

When attended in full, this program offers 1.0 CEs for Psychologists, 1.0 IL CEUs for Counselors and Social Workers, 1.0 CA BBS CEUs for Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage and Family Therapists, or 1.0 NASP CPDs for School Psychologists.