Work with Children, Adolescents and the Family System


Presented by Kate McNulty, LCSW and Mychal Threets

Friday, April 18, 2025

9am-11:30am PT / 11am-1:30pm CT / 12pm-2:30pm ET

Event held online via Zoom, link to access provided upon registration.

Families of children with neurodivergent traits interface with various systems: extended family; educational institutions; healthcare providers; and social networks. They receive much conflicting information on child-rearing and social norms. These children are characterized as having “special needs,” and while they require accommodations, these arrangements can be difficult to achieve, so parents become advocates for their families. In addition there is a likelihood these children and adolescents will be gender-variant and/or LGBT.

Working with children and teens involves teaching them self-advocacy. Neurodivergent youth experience peer groups differently from the majority culture. Self-awareness includes observing sensation and emotion and can lead to young people disagreeing with parental and authority figures. Therapy practice addresses these inherent tensions and contradictions to support families as they go through their collective developmental stages.

Zoom link will be available on course page in “My Courses” upon event registration. 

This program, when attended in its entirety, offers 2.5 CEs for Psychologists, 2.5 IL CEUS for Counselors and Social Workers, 2.5 BBS California CEUs for LPCCs, LPSWs, and LMFTs, 2.5 ISBE CPDUs for Illinois Educators, 2.5 NASP CPDs for School Psychologists, 2.5 AASECT CEs for Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists, or 2.5 NBCC Clock Hours. (*NBCC Clock Hours are available for live program attendance only.)

Click here to view full course information.

Disclaimer for all sessions: Courses may take up to one hour to populate in “My Courses” after purchase. Purchase of a session within one hour of a program start time may not guarantee access to the live session. We strongly encourage registering as early as possible to ensure live session and Zoom link access.

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