Systemic Racism and Disparities: Strategies for Accountability and Processes for Repair – PART 3: Structural Racism with Consequential Inequities: Clinical Implications and Ramifications
This four part series will address how systemic racism has contributed significantly to disparities in health and mental health for BIPOC communities. These historical inequities in mental health can also be seen in educational institutions. Current and future education as well as treatment strategies committed to social justice, equity, diversity and inclusion will be provided. The goals of this series are to:
The description of PART 3 – Structural Racism with Consequential Inequities: Clinical Implications and Ramifications is as follows:
The deleterious impact of racism as well as other social ‘isms’ must be understood clinically. Adverse experiences, even those experienced in early childhood, may have consequences throughout the lifespan in multiple contexts. An authentic therapeutic relationship means viewing clients fully including personal sources of survivance, strengths, recovery and resilience. Following examples of cultural humility in practice there will be discussion among participants. Generating an initial list of recommendations will conclude this session.