Human Trafficking: Risk Factors, Characteristics, and Warning Signs


Presented by Claire Openshaw, Ph.D., LCPC

This program was recorded on Thursday, August 18th, 2022

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Human trafficking refers to the exploitation of an individual using force, fraud, or coercion. It is said that it is the third most profitable crime in the world (Global Financial Integrity, 2017). This has been further exacerbated due to the social and economic stress from the pandemic (U.S. Department of State, 2021). Although, anyone is susceptible to human trafficking, traffickers have been found to specifically target vulnerable populations (UN, 2008).

Misconceptions about trafficking is a significant impediment in identifying victims (Logan et al., 2009). To make identification more difficult, victims typically do not recognize their exploitation (Brown, 2008).This event will discuss the risk factors, characteristics of the traffickers, and warning signs trafficking.

Access provided upon registration on “My Courses page 

This program, when attended in its entirety, offers 2.0 CEs for Psychologists or 2.0 IL CEUS for Counselors and Social Workers.

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