Holiday Homestudy Discount Bundle
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Take 50% off four esstential OCE Homestudy CE programs by purchasing our Holiday Homestudy Discount Bundle!
Purchase this bundle of programs by January 31st and you’ll have up to a year to complete all four courses — on your own time, at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home or office — and receive CE/CEU credits upon completion!
The four programs included are:
Clinical Implications of Mandated Reporting
The 411 on Telehealth: A Guide to Ethical Practices for Practioners and Supervisors
Sexual Harasment Prevention for Mental Health Professionals
Registration and Fees:
Access to all 4 programs: $190.00 $95.00
Additional discounts not available at this time. Participants must purchase package by January 31, 2022. Participants will have access to complete above listed programs for 1 year from the purchase date.
All programs offer CEs for Psychologists and California BBS CEUs for LPCCs, LPSW, and LMFTs.
Psychologists. The Chicago School of Professional Psychology is committed to accessibility and non-discrimination in its continuing education activities. The Chicago School of Professional Psychology is also committed to conducting all activities in conformity with the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles for Psychologists. Participants are asked to be aware of the need for privacy and confidentiality throughout the program. If program content becomes stressful, participants are encouraged to process these feelings during discussion periods. If participants have special needs, we will attempt to accommodate them. Please address questions, concerns and any complaints to Danielle Bohrer at 312-467-2364. There is no commercial support for this program nor are there any relationships between the CE Sponsor, presenting organization, presenter, program content, research, grants, or other funding that could reasonably be construed as conflicts of interest.
MFTs, LPCCs, and LCSWs. Course meet the qualifications continuing education credit for MFTs, LPCCs, and/or LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. If you are licensed outside of California please check with your local licensing agency to to determine if they will accept these CEUs. The Chicago School of Professional Psychology is approved by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) to offer continuing education programming for MFTs, LPCCs, LEPs, and/or LCSWs. The Chicago School of Professional Psychology is an accredited or approved postsecondary institution that meets the requirements set forth in Sections 4980.54(f)(1), 4989.34, 4996.22(d)(1), or 4999.76(d) of the Code.
Participation Certificate. The Chicago School of Professional Psychology is able to provide students and other participants who simply wish to have documentation of their attendance at the program a participation certificate.
Non Psychologists. Most licensing boards accept Continuing Education Credits sponsored by the American Psychological Association but non-psychologists are recommended to consult with their specific state-licensing board to ensure that APA-sponsored CE is acceptable.